alculation of Retainment walls due to DIN/EAB/EAU
The Working Group for Excavations of the German Society for Geotechnics publishes its Recommendations for Computations on Excavations in the "EAB". These recommendations are applied by the program. Buildings and structures in the cities and new constructions in high density areas place large requirements against the safety of deep excavations. New construction methods have been developed and known sheeting methods have been improved. Extensive statics computations of the excavation walls will be necessary, in order to calculate the existing safety level. The exploration of several structural variants makes an optimal utilization of the bearing reserves possible. Grout anchors in one or in several layers are increasingly used for the anchorage of the excavation walls.
Performance characteristics
Various Wall types : Soldier H-Beam wall, drilling pile wall, In-situ concrete wall like bored and secand pile wall or diaphragm wall, sheet pile wall etc.
Calculation according to old and new DIN 1054, SIA 262, OENORM and Eurocode
The bending stiffness of the wall may be variable or section wise constant at any distances
Active, increased or neutral earth pressure according to classical DIN, Coulomb or Culmann methods
Can access the extended soil data base that is common to all FIDES geotechnics programs
All possible earth pressure redistributions according to various design codes are available
Arbitrary load groups as permanent, life load, limited and unlimited surchage loads and wall loads (H, M), different load-figures per surcharge load
Any types of supporting measures : Anchors or Struts
Anchors may be set active or pasive at any construction stage
Any number of excavation and backfill phases
Simple data transfer to other FIDES geotechnics programs, for example WALLS-FEA, FIDES-SlipCircle or FIDES-GeoStability
Safety against ground failure by means of Slip Circle verification
Automatic calculation of the radius and the center of the Slip Circle or of a user predefined Slip Circle geometry
Graphical presentation and output plot of the Slip Circles
Any number of soil layers, geometries and ground levels
Any number of supports : prestressed, elastic or stiff, Anchors or Struts. Calculation of the apropriate anchor length by analysis of safety against deep-seated failure
For any excavation stage it can be defined : horizontal active and passive earth pressure, water pressure and bedding module variation
Earth pressure according to Culmann/Gudehus
Elastic and prestressed Anchors
Safety against hydraulic ground failure, systems with several groundwater storeys
The water pressure values can be imported from the ground water flow and free water surface calculation of the program FIDES-Flow